A baby bird. It didn't try to fly away it just hopped farther into the ivy.

When we went to check on it later the birdie was gone.
Now I'm going to rant a bit so don't mind me. I said before I wanted to use my stash well actually I have to because soon my fabric source will be gone. You see I work in the fabric department of a local retailer ( I don't need to name them I'm sure the majority of you know wnho I mean.) and they will no longer be carrying fabric. Which means I have to drive 30 minues to the nearest fabric store instead of picking it up while at work. Mind you 30 minutes is not that far to drive if you have the time but when I work Tuesday through Saturday 9 hrs a day and babysit on Mondays I have one day to get my house work done and spend sometime with the family it's kind of hard to get on the other side of town to buy fabric.It's a bit frustrating but it's a good thing I've got quite a stash going on.
Have a Nice day.
Hurry on over to Primitive Kountry Happenings .She's have a great giveawy of smell good items. So head on over and check it out.