My show is fast approaching. In just one week it will be time to display my dolls for selling. Will they sell? I can't really say at this time but we will see. But if they don't I wont get too upset because at least my name will get out there.
My shoulder has been giving me a rough time of it. It's this darn arthritis in my right shoulder that is slowing me down. So I've had to take a few days off from doll making. Which is not a good thing but I did manage to get a few more done.I'm not sure my goal of 10 will be met but I do have 7.Of course I still have a week to go.
Kitty Ann is my own design. I was pleased with how she turned out.

Next up is
Bella Anne
Emma Anne.
I just love making these sweet little Annies.
Update: The patterns for 2 of these dolls comes from a very talented lady, De of Bowls and Annie's. I want to thank her for sharing her free pattern. It is to her that I owe thanks for getting me started in making the dolls I have been sharing with you. I meant for my dolls to be taking as a form of flattery and mean no disrespect what so-ever in. It was an error on my part for not giving credit where credit was due. One I do not plan to make again.
The Kitty Ann doll while it may not have been my original idea it is my own pattern and I sat for hours working on it and revising it til I got it the way I wanted it.
I am sorry for any problems that may have a risen while creating these dolls.