This is my first tutorial so please bear with me
Suplies needed:
Wonder Under
Two co-ordinating fabrics
sewing needle and button
thin wire and chopstick
Step 1.
Cut 3 squares:
One from fusible web(I use wonder under)
and two from 2 different farics. I made mine 5 inches but you can cut them any size you want.
Step 2.
Fuse your two fabric squares together.
Step 3. Fold your square in half twice to find center point.
Step 4.
Measure an cut 2 inches down from each corner using your center point as a guide. Do this on all four corners.
Step 5.
Next fold your points down to look like those in the picture and sew in place. Then attach your button.
Step 6 Now that your pinwheel is finished you can attach it to a stick if you want or leave it as is. I chose to wire mine to a chop stick.
Run a piece of thin wire through the holes of your button.
And wrap tightly around your stick a few times.

Now your all done.