"""""Haven't done much sewing lately, just really haven't been in the mood plus DH had to leave home for 3 months. So we are missing him and feeling a little sad. He''ll be back at the end of September but right now that seems so far away.We've talked on the phone everyday since he left but it's not the same as being here.

Anyway I got a new camera this week and have been playing with it and learning how it works. I took this picture of the bees pollinating my lavander. With the old camera I had to be right on top of them to get a picture this close-up. Now I can zoom in and out and get a close-up with out being too close.
Also wanted to share my favorite summer recipe with you.It's just like they make at Arby's
Chicken Salad
2C. Cooked chicken breast, cubed
1C. Chopped apples
½C. Red grapes, split in half
1/2C. Chopped nuts (walnuts or pecans)
1/2C. Mayonnaise
2 t. Milk
Combine all ingredients. Chill and serve on a croissant with leaf lettuce. Also good on whole wheat bread.
Well I've bored you enough. And I've got YUKKY old house cleaning to do so I'm off.