Sunday, December 27, 2009
A New Year and a new direction
With the new year approaching I'd like to take this blog in a new direction. Don't worry I'll still post my creations but I also want to post some recipes, host a few swaps, and tell you a little more about the happenings in my family's life. I hope to even have a giveaway or two. I hope you'll stop by often and say hello.
Now for a bit of Christmas news.
The W household had a wonderful Christmas this year. The boys got all the video games they had asked for and a few other great gifts. Even Mr W. got things he wanted and he surprised me with a ring(pics later). Usually I know most of the things he gets me because it's very hard for him to keep secrets when it comes to gifts. But this year he managed to hold his tongue and I was totally surprised when I opened the ring. I had no idea I was getting it. I love it and have been showing it off to anyone willing to look at it. It's the first piece of jewelry he has given me since we became engaged 18years ago. But I forgive him because he makes up for it in other ways. Hope you and your family had a nice Christmas.
Tomorrow we are off on our yearly trip to Washington PA and Wheeling WV. We go shopping there every year. It's something we started several years ago and it's become a family tradition. The boys really look forward to it and so do I for that matter. The area we go to has really grown in the last few years and we enjoy seeing what new stores have come since we were there the year before. Hopefully the weather holds out. Mr W says they are calling for snow showers. Say it ain't so It can't snow on the day we take our trip. There has yet to be bad weather in the last 5 years so it just can't happen now.
I must go get ready for work now. See you in the new year. Happy 2010 to you and your family. Stay Safe blogging friends.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Snow ornamments and hiatis
My son needed a birthday gift for his teacher whose birthday is Wednesday so I made these cuties.
They are actually a remake of ones I made several years ago.The original ones were made with a styrofoam ball. I didn't have any styrofoam this time so I just crocheted a ball istead. They were made with stuff I already had on hand so they cost me nothing to make. I like those kinds of gifts.
I am thinking of primming them up a bit more and maybe submiting them to a new magazine called Prims by the Stampington company but I'm not sure if they are good enough so I'm going to do some work on them before I actually try submitting.
Before I go I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and I'll see ya in the new year.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sorry to say this
Friday, October 9, 2009
Raggedy Annie Pattern giveaway
Wow has it been that long.
But anyway I'm back and what a good way to do so by posting about a give away we are having over on the shop blog. We're giving away a cool Halloween ag made by Sister Donnely. Hurry on over for your chance to enter.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Whatca Workin On Wednesday
I was going to leave it plain like this but decided it was too plain

Sorry to bore you with such short post but I don't have a lot of time for more right now. I am working on things that need done for other and so I must get back to work. Take Care and have a happy Wednesday.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Hairy Warts anyone? aka Whatca working on Wednesday
Hester's Book of Spells
This little wooden book measures 5 1/2 inches high and 3 3/8 inches wide.
It includes a spell for Hairy Warts
And it was published by the Black Hat Publishing Co @ 1692
A must have for every witch and all her spell casting needs.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Cherished treasures.
They have weathered with use and time but I will not part with them because one day I am sure that when grandkids come along( in the very distant future) that they too will get use out these cherished heirlooms. But in the mean time they are once again in use by my cousin's little girl whom I babysit every Monday.

I'm sure that when my FIL made these he had no idea it would be a gift that kept on giving.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I made it. Can you believe it?

Miss Ginger wanted say hello to my bloggin buddies and to see what I was doing. She's such a curious kitty.

Friday, July 10, 2009
Yard Sale finds.
First we have an old wash board , a wooden bowl(I've wanted one for a long time.) and a couple little resin baskets.
A 3pc set of wooden books. Here's a close up of the baskets.
also a nice americana basket and a wooden star garland.
I have plans to redo this bench but I'm not sure what color I want yet. I'm thinking either a dark red with black dry brushed on it or maybe a navy blue with antique white dry brushed on it. Still deciding.
But my favorite item is this table. I'm leaving it as it is because it's perfect. It's going to stay outside on my porch. Which is getting a make over soon.
Here is what I've already done with a few of my new goodies.
This is a shelf I have in my kitchen that I change with the seasons. This one is for the summer season. But it seems my white walls need a new color job.They just seems so bland to me lately.
My other shelf still needs some work. As you can see the little door Wayne made me a few years ago needs a prim make over and so does the glass candle stick on the right. I'll get around to it soon. I hope. But I'm not sure yet what I'm going to replace the heart make do with. maybe a star one.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Vintage Inspiration

and I liked it so much I gave it a try. I wasn't sure what I was going to make with the fabric after trying. I knew I didn't want a pillow like she had made, so I went off to bed not knowing what I was going make. I forgot to take a before picture sorry.
The next morning I was doing some blog reading and came across this post and I instantly knew what I wanted to make with my faux vintage cloth.

A purty library bag that cost next to nothing since I had all the supplies on hand. I love it and I've already used it for a trip to the library and the beach. It would make a great market bag too. Don't ya just love it. I'm thinking one in blue would look just as grand. I might even coffee dye it to make it a little more prim.Still not sure yet.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Whatca Workin On Wednesday
I don't have alot to show but I did wok on this. What you ask is it? Keep reading and you'll find out.

First I painted it white but didn't like it. So I painted over it with tan

and I was pleased with it. Looks prim now. Still wondering what it is?

And next we have this little ironing board Wayne made to sell at the shop. It's just like the one he made me for Valentine's day which I forgot to share with you.

It's 12 inches wide and 30 inches long and make s great litte table top iron. I love mine and use it all the time. The kitty's love it too.
Edited to show the back side because I forgot to add it last night.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hurry Sweet Meadows Farm is having a giveaway. But it ends tomorrow so you better hop over there soon.
Also here is another one Crow's Creek Primitives is giving away Halloween goodies.
The views I express
Monday, July 6, 2009
Kentucky Bound

The trip once we were into Kentucky was very interesting. Everything is so green and trees are everywhere. As you can see from the bridge. This was pretty much the view we had for most of the trip.Which was beautiful BTW. Some of the side roads were just a little gravel pathways and there were lots of cemetaries- some right beind peoples houses and the little country churches just sat in the middle of no where. The roads we traveled were mostly back country roads but yet state routes. We stopped at a little country gas station and the pumps were the old fashioned ones where the numbers rolled instead of being digital. It was very quaint and it just seemed so peaceful and relaxing.

We toured Cascade caves. It was very wet but enjoyable. The was an underground pool

that lead outside.

And here we are enjoying ourselves beside it.

Edited to remove any content that was offencive to anyone even though I only posted what I saw and meant nothing bad by it.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Pinwheel Tutorial

Suplies needed:
Wonder Under
Two co-ordinating fabrics
sewing needle and button
thin wire and chopstick
Step 1.
Cut 3 squares:
One from fusible web(I use wonder under)
and two from 2 different farics. I made mine 5 inches but you can cut them any size you want.

Step 2.
Fuse your two fabric squares together.

Step 3. Fold your square in half twice to find center point.

Step 4.
Measure an cut 2 inches down from each corner using your center point as a guide. Do this on all four corners.

Step 5.
Next fold your points down to look like those in the picture and sew in place. Then attach your button.

Step 6 Now that your pinwheel is finished you can attach it to a stick if you want or leave it as is. I chose to wire mine to a chop stick.
Run a piece of thin wire through the holes of your button.

And wrap tightly around your stick a few times.

Now your all done.